|   Full CV [pdf]   |   Researcher ID: F-1861-2011   |   Google Scholar   |   ScopusID: 57000038900  |   Figshare    |   ResearchGate   |   ORCiD: 0000-0001-8124-2455   |

First Author Talks

19. 17th Annual Earth System and Space Science Poster Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA, Nov. 2023, Fire in the Earth System: interactions between climate, fire and the atmosphere, [invited keynote]

18. FLARE, Fire science Learning AcRoss the Earth system, Bermuda/Hybrid, Sep. 2023, Session Introduction for Recent changes in fire activity: how human activity is altering natural fire regimes and future projections, [talk]

17. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, Dec. 2021, Wildfire Emission Factor Uncertainty and Modeled Atmospheric CO and O3, [abstract, slides on ESSOAr]

16. AIRS Science team Meeting, Virtual, May, 2020, Air pollution trends: CO and AOD over industrial, fire-prone, and background regions, [talk]

15. The 3rd International Smoke Symposium (ISS3), Virtual, April, 2020, The effect of fire emission factor uncertainty on global chemistry simulations, [talk]

14. CESM Atmospheric Working Group Winter meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, March 2020, How fire emission factor uncertainty relates to inter-inventory differences in modeled atmospheric composition, [talk]

13. AMOS Annual Meeting and the International Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Oceanography, Darwin, Australia, Jun., 2019, Transported and local contributions to carbon monoxide in tropical north Australia [talk]

12. Joint NDACC-IRWG and TCCON, Wanaka, NZ, May, 2019, Validation of MOPITT CO using ground-based solar FTIR measurements in NDACC [talk]

11. 23rd Annual CESM Workshop, Boulder CO, USA, Jun., 2018, The effect of variability in fire emission factors on inter-inventory differences [talk slides]

10. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec., 2017, Climate mode links to atmospheric carbon monoxide over fire regions [abstract, talk slides]

9. Fire Prediction Across Scales, Columbia University, New York City, USA, Oct. 2017, Predicting atmospheric carbon monoxide over fire regions using climate indices [talk]

8. AMOS conference: Australasian weather, climate and oceans: past, present and future, Canberra, Australia, Feb. 2017, Assessing the link between climate variability and atmospheric carbon monoxide in the Southern Hemisphere [talk slides]

7. 14th IGAC Conference - One Atmosphere: Building a collective knowledge, Breckenridge, USA, Sep. 2016, Climate drivers of Southern Hemisphere carbon monoxide [talk slides]

6. Mario J. Molina Symposium, 96th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, Jan. 2016, Investigating Transported and Local Carbon Monoxide in the Southern Hemisphere with Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing [abstract, talk slides] [recorded presentation]

5. The 6th International GEOS–Chem Meeting, Harvard University, USA, May 2013, Australasian total column CO and H2CO investigated with GEOS-Chem, FTIR measurements, and an Earth-System Model (ACCESS) [talk slides]

4. AMOS Postgraduate Symposium, University of New South Wales, Australia, Jul. 2012, Wollongong total column CO and HCHO investigated with FTIR measurements, a Chemical Transport Model and the Earth System Model ACCESS [talk]

3. CAWCR and Cape Grim Science Meeting, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Nov. 2011, Tropospheric Pollution over Wollongong Investigated with the Earth-System Model ACCESS [talk slides]

2. The 5th International GEOS–Chem Meeting, Harvard University, USA, May 2011,Modelling Tropospheric Ozone Precursors over Australasia [talk]

1. AMOS 18th Annual conference: Extreme Weather, Wellington, New Zealand, Feb. 2011, Modelling Tropospheric Ozone Precursors over Australasia [talk slides]

First Author Posters

16. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 2023, Multi-scale Modeling for the 2019/2020 Extreme Wildfire Season in Australia, [abstract, poster on ESSOAr]

15. 15th iCACGP Quadrennial Symposium and 17th IGAC Science Conference, Manchester UK, Sep. 2022, Multi-scale Modeling Over Australia for the 2019/2020 Extreme Wildfire Season, [poster]

14. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, Dec. 2021, Developing Multi-scale Modeling Over Australia for the 2019/2020 Extreme Wildfire Season, [abstract, poster on ESSOAr]

13. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry, Virtual, Sep. 2021, Uncertainty in fire emission factors and the impact on modeled atmospheric CO and O3 [poster on ESSOAr].

12. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Virtual, Dec. 2020, Terra Trends: North American Wildfires are Changing the Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Seasonal Cycle [poster on ESSOAr].

11. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 2019, Terra Trends: A Global Slowdown in Decreasing Atmospheric CO and the Regional Interpretation Using AOD, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10501638.1, [abstract, poster on ESSOAr]

10. 24th Annual CESM Workshop, Boulder CO, USA, Jun., 2019, Using CAM-chem to interpret carbon monoxide variability in the Southern Hemisphere [poster]

9. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, Dec. 2018, Chemistry-Climate Links for Carbon Monoxide in Northern Hemisphere Boreal Fire Regions and an Assessment of Global Fire Inventories, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10500487.1, [abstract, poster on ESSOAr]

8. 14th iCACGP Quadrennial Symposium and 15th IGAC Conference - Atmospheric Chemistry: from molecules to global impacts, Japan, Sep. 2018, Transported and local contributions to carbon monoxide in Australasia [abstract, poster]

7. Infrared Working Group Meeting, Paris, May 2017, Temporal evolution of C2H6 to CO enhancement ratios, extended globally using MOPITT CO [poster]

6. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2017, Linking the variability of atmospheric carbon monoxide to climate modes in the Southern Hemisphere [abstract, poster pdf]

5. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2015, Separating Transported and Local Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide in Australasia with Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing [abstract, poster pdf]

4. 9th Annual Earth System and Space Science Poster Conference, CU Boulder, Nov. 2015, Transported and local contributions to atmospheric carbon monoxide at Wollongong, Australia [poster pdf]

3. Young Scientist Summer School - Aveiro, Portugal, Jul. 2014, Australasian total column CO and H2CO investigated with FTIR measurements, a Chemical Transport Model (GEOS-Chem) and an Earth-System Model (ACCESS) [poster]

2. 12th IGAC Conference - Atmospheric Chemistry in the Anthropocene, Beijing, China, Sep. 2012, Australasian total column CO and H2CO investigated with FTIR measurements, a Chemical Transport Model (GEOS-Chem) and an Earth-System Model (ACCESS) [poster pdf]

1. European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble, France, Jan. 9 - Feb. 10, 2012, Comparison of total column CO and H2CO FTIR measurements at Wollongong with a Chemical Transport Model (GEOS-Chem) and an Earth-System Model (ACCESS) [poster pdf]


2.  2024 CESM Tutorial, Virtual, Boulder CO, USA, Aug. 2024, Modeling Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols - [talk]

1. 2021 CESM Tutorial, Virtual, Boulder CO, USA, Aug. 2021, Applications of wildfire in CESM - [talk]

Invited talks

2. CU ESSS keynote abstract, Boulder CO, USA, Dec. 2023, Fire in the Earth System: interactions between climate, fire and the atmosphere - [talk]

1. Explorer Series, Virtual, Boulder CO, USA, Feb. 2023, How weather and wildfires interact: Insights from aerosols in Sub-Saharan Africa - [talk]

Complete list of all presentations [pdf]